is a listing of high yield investment programs.
Order listing/monitoring service (payment proofs posting included in price):
Our E-currency accounts:
Bitcoin: 12jPgxXcer6Crfrd3MURa74LFnmeuPz94Z
Payeer: P4188557
ePayCore: E031287
Tron: TDV4SbRbQ8wBgFUoxSHSA1tfohyYva5KYf
Etherum: 0x905b56F0578c1Ddd328F645eA45f6c009686eaDa
Litecoin: LYPbh272xqkGq1imgRBLJh8PjiaNTg6qGg
Tether TRC20: TFLbJRSQby4nP3N1ThcRPA2jDSkcXAmJau
Tether ERC20: 0x6a8e893334AFF132ce45819C6a23a2e01b32271f
BONUS: contact us here
Also the amount can be paid as BONUS on your site. After add your site, contact us here.
Features of each plan:
Top Listing:
Monitoring price for Exclusive Listing is $100 + $10 fee (but if your minimum deposit is more then $100, you should pay amount of your minimum deposit ).
$100 will be reinvested in your program. This amount comprise following services:
- We have lifelong monitoring of your program;
- We opening new topics about your program on 40 Worldwide forums (if not created yet);
- We posting news and payments from your program everyday on all forums;
- We withdrawing earnings from your program EVERY day (when the amount be above $1);
- E-mail will be sent to our Google Group
- 1200x50 big banner rotator on TOP of our Monitor, Forum and AllMonitors page for LIFETIME
- 728x90 banner on details about your program for LIFETIME
- 125x125 banner on details about your program for LIFETIME
- 125x125 banner showing on our 4 slots: Top left, Top right, Bottom Left and Bottom Right + Rotating on our Forum for LIFETIME
- 468x60 banner rotator on top of our monitor for LIFETIME
- 728x90 banner rotator on bottom of our monitor for LIFETIME
- 728x90 banner rotator on our Forum, Partners and Password generator for LIFETIME
- Paid sticky on our Forum for LIFETIME
- Your site will be posted on Facebook and Twitter
Gold Listing:
Monitoring price for Gold Listing is $50 + $10 fee (but if your minimum deposit is more then $80, you should pay amount of your minimum deposit ).
$50 will be reinvested in your program. This amount comprise following services:
- We have lifelong monitoring of your program;
- We opening new topics about your program on 40 Worldwide forums (if not created yet);
- We posting news and payments from your program everyday on all forums;
- We withdrawing earnings from your program EVERY day (when the amount be above $1);
- E-mail will be sent to our Google Group
- 468x60 banner in details about your program for LIFETIME
- 125x125 banner showing in our 2 slots: Bottom Left and Bottom Right for 100 Days
- 125x125 banner in details about your program for LIFETIME
- 468x60 banner rotator in top of our monitor for 100 Days
- Your site will be posted on Facebook and Twitter
Please read our conditions before adding HYIP or banner advertising:
- Everybody can add HYIP, Hyip owners, Monitors or users (users can have we as your referral, but the link in our monitor will be our link) That's can be good for program who have more than one Level of referral;
- HYIP ratings and statuses based on publicly available information and personal experience of monitoring administration. Cannot be disputed, but any comments and suggestions are welcome;
- We accept bonus deposit, but in this case we can not open threads at the Russian HYIP forums (it is forums rules) contact us here;
- We NOT accept any special/monitoring plans;
- If we detect fraud or selective payments, we reserve the right to move HYIP into the blacklist (SCAM) and/or remove all advertisements without any refunds;
- We have the right to reject listing request without explanation. In this case money will be refunded.