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About:Metaverse crypto tokens have emerged as a new sub-asset class within the crypto markets, attracting investors who want to get in early on what could turn out to become the next iteration of the internet. Early-stage versions of the metaverse, such as Decentraland and Sandbox, are powered by cryptocurrencies that act as currencies in these virtual worlds. For investors, they offer an avenue to gain investment exposure to this new and fast-growing industry.
Metaverse crypto is a sub-set of cryptocurrencies that enable users of blockchain-powered virtual worlds to buy and sell digital assets, such as virtual land, real estate, or avatar items. Like all crypto assets, however, they are high-risk investments, which means conducting thorough research is essential before making the decision to add metaverse tokens into your crypto portfolio.
Investment Plans:130% after 1 daySpent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
$10-$3000 101%
$3001-$5000 104%
$5001-$10000 108%
$10001-$30000 125%
$30001-$80000 130%
450% after 5 daysSpent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
$501-$3000 105%
$3001-$5000 160%
$5001-$10000 230%
$10001-$30000 310%
$30001-$95000 450%
900% after 10 daysSpent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
$1000-$3000 111%
$3001-$5000 260%
$5001-$10000 440%
$10001-$45000 750%
$45001-$90000 900%
1850% after 15 daysSpent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
$1000-$3000 122%
$3001-$5000 520%
$5001-$10000 1050%
$10001-$50000 1450%
$50001-$95000 1850%
3600% after 30 daysSpent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
$1000-$3000 150%
$3001-$5000 560%
$5001-$10000 1550%
$10001-$40000 2350%
$40001-$95000 3600%
7000% after 60 daysSpent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
$1000-$3000 225%
$3001-$5000 1400%
$5001-$10000 2850%
$10001-$40000 4750%
$40001-$95000 7000%
11000% after 90 daysSpent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
$200-$3000 300%
$3001-$5000 3600%
$5001-$10000 7550%
$10001-$45000 9200%
$45001-$95000 11000%
Referral: Up To 10%
Withdrawal: Manual
Payment systems: ePayCore, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, USDT, Tron, BNB, Dash, Ripple...
Visit metaverseprofit.org and Sign Up Deposit:
Processor : ePayCore
Date : 2023-07-16 16:35
From Account : E049984
Amount : -50.00
Currency : USD
Batch : 1849979
Memo : Deposit to Metaverse profit Limited User hyipsinfo